Hop varieties

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A popular hop in Britain, it is replacing its parent, Northern Brewer, which does not have as good aroma or flavor. It is fruity with some spiciness. Released in 1971 and can be used in all ales.

Category Hop varieties

Used in bitter, extra special bitter, English pale ale and porter. Norther Brewer has a fine, fragrant aroma. One of the original hybrid hops, but it is becoming rarer as it is replaced by modern varieties. Called Hallertauer NB in Germany, where it is al ...

Category Hop varieties

Heavy, spicy, herbal aroma and strong bittering. Similar to Chinook, Columbus, Target and Galena. Released in 1983 and the second-most-popular high-bitterness hop in the US. It has strong lineage from Brewer's Gold.

Category Hop varieties