Hop varieties

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Galaxy has a distinctive aroma, described variously as a combination of citrus and passionfruit, or passionfruit and peach. First bred in 1994. Used in many Australian craft beers, perhaps most famously in Stone & Wood's Pacific Ale.

Category Hop varieties

Galena is used in particular in ale, porter, stout, extra special bitter and bitter. It is also the hop used in Corona (which some may not regard as a ringing endoresement!). Like Eroica, it is similar to Northern Brewer. Released in 1978. From a selectio ...

Category Hop varieties

Golden Cluster is a relatively new hop variety is used in many premium Australian beers.

Category Hop varieties

Considered to be Britain's finest hop, with a fine aroma and flavor. Because of its high price and low bitterness, commercial brewers rarely use it alone. Dates from 1790 and used in most styles of English beer.

Category Hop varieties

Very bitter, but with good aroma for use in lagers.

Category Hop varieties