Current brews Barrow Boys Stormy Lager
A 600-litre brewery at the Banjo Paterson Inn begun by former Chuck Hahn, who started Hahn Brewery and Malt Shovel Brewery, both now owned by Kirin through its subsidiary, Lion. Current brews Kosciuszko Pale
Australia's oldest continuously operating brewery Current brews Cascade Premium Lager Cascade Premium Light Cascade Pale Ale Cascade Bright Ale Cascade Blonde (formerly Cascade Summer Blonde) Cascade Amber (formerly Cascade Autumn Amber) C ...
Current brews Colonial Kolsch Colonial India Pale Ale Colonial Pale Ale Colonial Porter Colonial Witbier
Regular brews Brewer's Pilsner Gippsland Gold Hatlifter Stout Natural Blonde Yarra Valley Gold Grand Ridge Draught Moonlight Almighty Light Moonshine Supershine Limited release brews Vienna Rye SarsBEERilla Stout American Red Ale Wet ...
Claims its beers are designed specifically to be drunk with food. Current brews Bluebottle lager Firefly ale Prime amber ale
Boatrocker beers were originally contract brewed, but in 2013 opened its own brewery. As part of this, the owners will be barrel-aging some of the beers in one of 60 French oak barrels. Current beers Boatrocker Alpha Queen Boatrocker Smash Boatrocke ...
Claims to be Australia's only fire brewery, which heats and boils the brewing water over an open fire. Current brews Prancing Pony Amber Ale Prancing Pony Pale Ale Prancing Pony Blonde Ale
Current brews Feral White Feral Hop Hog Feral Golden Ace Feral Smoked Porter Feral Watermelon Warhead Feral Runt Feral Rust Belgian dubbel Feral Karma Citra Feral Fanta Pants Feral Razorback Feral Amber Ale Feral Barrel-Fermented Hog ...
Current brews Badlands Pale Ale
Nail beers are brewed at Edith Cowan University's Joonalup campus. Current brews Nail Ale Nail Stout oatmeal stout Nail Golden Nail Limited release brews Regular small-batch brews are made throughout the year. Nail Slout Stout Russian imperi ...
A small brewery that makes its beers on a German-made Braumeister system. Current beers Handpumped English Bitter German Weiss
A nano brewery not far from Melbourne. The beers can be fond at several outlets and farmers' markets near Daylesford. Regular brews Dolphin Amber Ale (4.0%) Dolphin Pale Ale (4.5% English pale ale) Dolphin Best Bitter Ale (5.0%) Seasonal and occa ...
All the O'Brien range is gluten-free Regular brews O'Brien Premium Lager O'Brien Pale Ale O'Brien Brown Ale O'Brien Light Lager O'Brien Belgian Ale O'Brien Black Lager O'Brien India Pale Ale The Rat Bitter Ale ...
Current brews 4 DEGREES Pale Ale 4 DEGREES Summer Wheat IPA Wein Lager Coal Miners Stout Imperial Coal Miners Stout
Regular brews Three Troupers Pale Ale Three Troupers Pilsner Three Troupers Amber Ale
Current brews Bright Lager Hellfire Amber Ale Blowhard Pale Ale Razor Witbier Staircase Porter Fainters Dubbel