Australia's largest Australian-owned brewery, Coopers is still run by descendants of the founder. The brewery is best known for its cloudy, bottle-conditioned ales and only introduced a lager in 1968. Current beers Sparkling Ale (5.80%) Pale Ale (4 ...
More a brand than a brewery. The brewery's beer, Skinny Blonde, caused controversy because its label featured a pin-up girl who was revealed as the beer level drops and the bottle's temperature rose. Current Brews Skinny Blonde Gold Digger Golden Ale ...
Current beers Tuckerbox Hoppy Lager - Brewed with german lager yeast, late hopped with US Cascade.
Located on the riverfront at the once-bustling Goolwa Wharf. Current brews Steam Exchange Steam Ale Steam Exchange India Pale Ale Steam Exhange Buster Dark Ale Steam Exchange Stout
A large, independent brewery near Fremantle, Gage Roads is one of the few Australian breweries listed on the stock exchange. Woolworths has a 25 per cent stake in the operation and Gage Roads makes private-label beer for the supermarket. Current ...
Owned and operated by a cardiac surgeon and champion homebrewer. Current brews American Pale Ale American Brown Ale Belgian Blond Ale Belgian Witbier Bohemian Pilsner Dunkelweizen English Pale Ale Weizen
A 1000-litre brewery that sells its beers at its Woolloongabba venue, Brewhouse Brisbane. Current brews Sunshine Honey Wheat Star Lager Classic Pilsner Up Yer Kilt Scottish Ale BPA Brisbane Pale Ale Sunset Light Golden Ale Six and Out American St ...
Run by a former brewer at Southern Bay and Prickly Moses who went out on his own to create some really interesting beers. Current brews Hop Zone Session India Pale Ale Acid Freaks Balsamic Baltic Porter Supa Fly Rype India Pale Ale Can't Fight the ...
A 1000-litre brewery in Melbourne's outer suburbs. Current brews Arctic Fox Ice Cap Lager Arctic Fox English Pale Ale Arctic Fox American Pale Ale Seasonal and occasional brews Arctic Fox Special Brew Chocolate Stout
Originally based in Purrumbete near Camperdown, the brewery moved to the outskirts of Ballarat in 2011. Regular brews Red Duck Pale Ale Red Duck Amber Ale Red Duck Porter Red Duck Bengal IPA Red Duck Overland Red Duck Pale Rider Red Duck Hoppy A ...
Current brews Pale Ale Bock Pilsner Apple Cider
Current brews Little Creatures Pale Ale Little Creatures Bright Ale Little Creatures Pilsner Little Creatures Rogers Beer Little Creatures India Pale Ale Little Creatures Pipsqueak Cider One-off brews Little Creatures produces a seri ...
Current brews Surry Hills Pils Woolloomooloo Wheat Paddo Pale Glamarama Summer Ale Potts Point Porter Newtown Bitter Darlo Dark Sydney Cider
Regular brews Holgate Pilsner Holgate Mount Macedon American pale ale Holgate Extra Special Bitter Holgate Temptress porter Holgate Road Trip American pale ale Limited release and occasional brews Holgate White Ale Holgate Big Reg lager Hol ...
Also known as The Cidery. Current brews Blackwood Summer Ale Blackwood Stout Porter Blackwood European Lager Blackwood Special Bitter Blackwood Irish Red Ale Blackwood Nut Brown Ale Various ciders Seasonal brews Blackwood Wheat Beer
As well as producing its own beers, Southern Bay is a major contract brewer. Current brews Requiem Pilsner Southern Ocean Ale Southern Bay Draught Southern Bay Hop Bazooka India Pale Ale Metal Head Robust Porter