Begun by the Fitzgerald brothers in the 1870s and named after a brewery they owned in the Victorian Goldfields town of Castlemaine. Current brews XXXX Bitter pale lager XXXX Gold mid-strength pale lager XXXX Light Bitter low-alcohol pale lager XXXX ...
Tooheys is part of a brewing conglomerate, making beers under the Tooheys and Hahn brands. Current brews Tooheys New pale lager Tooheys New White Stag Tooheys Old dark ale Tooheys Extra Dry Tooheys Extra Dry Platinum Tooheys Pils Red Bitter (for ...
Formerly the Bluetongue Brewery, a large brewery previously part-owned by Australian ad man John Singleton. Coca-Cola Amatil had a 50 per cent share with SABMiller until SABMiller acquired Foster's Group in 2012 and exercised its option to buy out CCA's s ...
A vast brewery that makes mainly pale lagers. The Abbotsford Brewery, in inner-city Melbourne, is one of two main CUB breweries in Australia, the other being at Yatala in Queensland. Regular brews Victoria Bitter Carlton Draught Crown Lager Pure B ...
Current brews Little Creatures Pale Ale Little Creatures Bright Ale Little Creatures Pilsner Little Creatures Rogers Beer Little Creatures India Pale Ale Little Creatures Pipsqueak Cider One-off brews Little Creatures produces a seri ...
Australia's largest Australian-owned brewery, Coopers is still run by descendants of the founder. The brewery is best known for its cloudy, bottle-conditioned ales and only introduced a lager in 1968. Current beers Sparkling Ale (5.80%) Pale Ale (4 ...
Australia's oldest continuously operating brewery Current brews Cascade Premium Lager Cascade Premium Light Cascade Pale Ale Cascade Bright Ale Cascade Blonde (formerly Cascade Summer Blonde) Cascade Amber (formerly Cascade Autumn Amber) C ...
Current brews Colonial Kolsch Colonial India Pale Ale Colonial Pale Ale Colonial Porter Colonial Witbier
Current brews Duckstein Pils Duckstein Hefeweiss Duckstein Dunkel Duckstein Alt Bier
Current brews James Boag's Premium James Boag's Draught James Boag's Premium Light James Boag's XXX Ale James Boag's Classic Blonde James Boag's Wizard Smith James Boag's Draught Lite
Part of Lion, a subsidiary of the Kirin brewing conglomerate. As well as making Lion's beers for South Australia, the West End Brewery makes the Emu and Swan beers that are sold mainly in Western Australia. Current brews West End Draught Southwark Bi ...
Brewed for the biennial Kernewek Lowender Cornish festival in the South Australian Copper Coast towns of Kadina, Moonta and Wallaroo. The beer has been brewed by Coopers Brewery in Adelaide, although it's unclear if this is still the case or production h ...
A recent arrival, located between Newcastle and Sydney. Current brews Hefeweizen Pale Ale Dark Red India Pale Ale Extra Special Bitter
More a brand than a brewery. The brewery's beer, Skinny Blonde, caused controversy because its label featured a pin-up girl who was revealed as the beer level drops and the bottle's temperature rose. Current Brews Skinny Blonde Gold Digger Golden Ale ...
One of Australia's original craft breweries, located in an 1841 hotel in Sydney's historic Rocks. Current brews Quayle Ale summer ale Trafalgar Pale Ale English bitter Three Sheets Australian pale ale Victory Bitter English pale ale Old Admiral ol ...
A large, independent brewery near Fremantle, Gage Roads is one of the few Australian breweries listed on the stock exchange. Woolworths has a 25 per cent stake in the operation and Gage Roads makes private-label beer for the supermarket. Current ...
Current brews Morrison English Bitter Morrison Irish Stout Morrison Irish Red Ale
Current brews Dunkel Sturm Harvest Moon Organic Fish Tale Pilsner Kitten 9 Tails Pilot's Light Humpback Pale Ale Trade Winds IPA Sou'Wester Stout Smokestack Rauchbier She's Apples Cider Cabin Boy Half Wit Discontinued brews Madam Rouge ...
Claims to be one of Australia's smallest breweries. Current brews Hunter Kolsch Hunter Witbier Hunter Ginger Beer Hunter Lager Hunter Pale Ale Hunter Bock Seasonal brews Christmas Pudding Beer Barley Wine #1 Launch Missile Lager The Pimp ...
Nail beers are brewed at Edith Cowan University's Joonalup campus. Current brews Nail Ale Nail Stout oatmeal stout Nail Golden Nail Limited release brews Regular small-batch brews are made throughout the year. Nail Slout Stout Russian imperi ...