Australian breweries

Breweries: All Listings 

Results 81 - 100 of 153
151 Regency Road, , , 5008

Current brews Maiden Ale amber ale Seeing Double wee heavy Ace of Spades stout Hard Pressed cider Hoppapotamus strong pale ale King Brown ale

Category South Australia

Current brews Four Brothers Australian Pale Ale The Captain Australian Mild Ale The Merchant Colonial Pale Ale

Category South Australia
6 Park Street, , , 4010

A 1000-litre brewery that sells its beers at its Woolloongabba venue, Brewhouse Brisbane. Current brews Sunshine Honey Wheat Star Lager Classic Pilsner Up Yer Kilt Scottish Ale BPA Brisbane Pale Ale Sunset Light Golden Ale Six and Out American St ...

Category Queensland
PO Box 1011, , , 4218

According to the website these beers, available in "only a few bars on the Gold Coast" are brewed at a "secret location" on the Gold Coast. Current brews South Seas Pale Ale South Seas Beach South Seas Island

Category Queensland
165-185 Long Road, , , 4272

A brewery in the hills above the Gold Coast on Queensland's south coast. Current brews Rainforest Lager Cuvee Belgian Blonde Moderation Golden Ale Settlers Wheat Beer St Bridget Dubell Black Cockatoo Lager

Category Queensland
Peak Court, , , 4306

Current brews 4 DEGREES Pale Ale 4 DEGREES Summer Wheat IPA Wein Lager Coal Miners Stout Imperial Coal Miners Stout

Category Queensland
17A Ern Harley Drive, , , 4220

Current brews Bighead Duke Helles Duke Premium HEF 28 Pale Ale My Wife's Bitter Figjam India Pale Ale Limited releases Hassle Hop Black Giraffe Fanny Gertrude's Bickie Beer

Category Queensland
34-42 Lake Street, , , 4870

Current brews Cairns Gold FNQ Lager FNQ Gold Blue Sky Pilsner  

Category Queensland
De Bortoli Road, , , 2680

A brewery run by the De Bortoli wine family. Current brews William's Hand Crafted Pilsener William's Pale Ale William's Premium Lager

Category New South Wales
Unit 1, 58 Uralla Road, , , 2444

Current brews Wicked Elf Pale Ale Wicked Elf Pilsner Wicked Elf Witbier Wicked Elf Porter Mad Abbott Dubbel Mad Abbott Tripel

Category New South Wales
42 Wentworth Avenue, , , 2010

  Current brews Surry Hills Pils Woolloomooloo Wheat Paddo Pale Glamarama Summer Ale Potts Point Porter Newtown Bitter Darlo Dark Sydney Cider  

Category New South Wales
4 Boronia Place, , , 2481

Current brews Pacific Ale Lager Jasper Ale Seasonal and occasional brews Stone Beer Garden Ale

Category New South Wales
201 Clarence Street, , , 2000

Current brews Organic Pale Ale Original Apple Cider English Bitter German weissbier Honey Ale American Pale Ale India Pale Ale Oktoberfest Lager Schwarzbier Winter in the Rye bock Christmas Cheer dark ale Chateau Sour Belgian sour beer St N ...

Category New South Wales
4 Church Street, , , 2850

Current brews Mudgee Lite Mudgee Mud imperial stout Mudgee Pale Ale Mudgee Porter Mudgee Spring Mudgee Wheat One-off brews Raspberry wheat beer Belgian dubel bock Rye beer India Pale Ale

Category New South Wales
24 Newbold Close, , , 2515

Current brews Longboard Pale Ale

Category New South Wales
1 Kosciuszko Road, , , 2627

A 600-litre brewery at the Banjo Paterson Inn begun by former Chuck Hahn, who started Hahn Brewery and Malt Shovel Brewery, both now owned by Kirin through its subsidiary, Lion. Current brews Kosciuszko Pale  

Category New South Wales
66 Bay Street, , , 2007

Current brews John Boston Premium Lager Boston's Mill Pale Ale

Category New South Wales
PO Box 196, , , 2009

Claims its beers are designed specifically to be drunk with food. Current brews Bluebottle lager Firefly ale Prime amber ale

Category New South Wales
255 Werralong Road, , , 2628

A very small brewery that produces 10 cases of beer - or about 90 litres - per batch. It is part of the Snowy Vineyard Estate. Current brews Blonde Ale Pale Ale Golden Ale Red Ale Strong Ale

Category New South Wales
PO Box 4092, , , 2099

Current brews #1 Pale Ale

Category New South Wales